Friday, May 23, 2008

Five teeth and stairs!

I laughed in shock this morning when I noticed Katelyn's toothy grin is becoming more toothy. Can you believe it? Five teeth in that little mouth! The top two showed up right before our move to Utah, which is about the same time that we discovered the calming, painless affects of baby Tylenol. Thank heavens. She felt much better. So did we. Today, she sprouted another bottom tooth and has been playing with it (and chewing on everything) ever since.

Also, I haven't caught a video yet, but I gave Katelyn some stair climbing lessons. She was a quick learner and after keeping her sippy cup just one step above her reach, and as her little hands gripped the long carpet to help her up, she made it to the top! Good girl.


Katie Page said...

Hey Tiffany! It was so good to talk to you at the Mellors. Here is the name of our blog: Let me know if you have any "stlye" tips. Right now it is just really boring. - Katie Page

Amy & Greg said...

Oh, that is so fun. I think that Andrew is finally catching up with his teeth. He sprouted 3 last week--two fronts and a molar. Poor kid. Thank goodness for Baby Tylenol!!

Jen Petty said...

We had to teach Ethan all about stairs too. Katelyn has passed him up though in the tooth catagory. He still has only four.

HiccupMeL said...

Hey!! Your daughter is so cute and it's crazy how many teeth she has! :)

PS -- cute blog design. I normally read blogs from Google Reader so, I didn't notice that you'd updated it. LOVE the banner at the top. Cute kids come from cute parents. :)

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

5 teeth wow! Thank heaven for Tylenol!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Tiffany - I was just catching up on your blog! Katelyn is such a cutie - I love that she wore a cap and gown with Dave to his graduation, that is too adorable. And what a fun trip to Disneyland. Looks like you guys have been having some fun!