Thursday, October 8, 2009

Too happy and two kids

I can't believe how fun it is now that Katelyn is talking more. I've laughed at everyone's stories about their kids and now I get to see it first hand.

Here's a few for my journal. They're probably more funny to me than anyone else, but I think they're pretty funny.

We dropped Dave off at the airport today and after I explained that daddy was on a trip, she kept repeating, "Daddy, trip, daddy, airplane."
Later today I told her that he went to Minneapolis. I was impressed when she repeated, "Apolis." Good job Katelyn. I said it again, Minneapolis. To which she repeated, "Minnie Mouse!"

She was eating an M&M the other day and told me that it was black. I told her, no, it's actually brown. "No mommy, black." "No Katelyn, brown." No mommy, black." Repeat 5x and she still insisted. At least I now she's a fighter.

I entered the grocery store, loaded the kids in the cart and Katelyn told me she was poopy. Okay, we'll be quick. Yep, I'll admit I was embarrassed when she told the woman next to me and she repeated, "Oh, are you poopy?" Me thinking: Um... yep. I guess we'll try and stay away from everyone.

I've taught her how to buckle her own seatbelt and I love the smile of satisfaction on her face after she hears the click. "I did it!"

One of my favorite things Katelyn says is, "Ethan, floor, play." It makes me smile just thinking about it, especially when Ethan pulls her hair. Ha. It's just the beginning. :) But, Katelyn just loves to play with him and even shares her coveted pink, minky blanket. (Minky is really soft, fuzzy material.) She won't share it with anyone, but I frequently find Ethan covered with it.

In trying to get Katelyn to accept the fact that she has a brother, I would frequently tell her that I have "two kids." Well, that has become the phrase any time I'm holding both of them, which is frequent, any time she wants to be held when I'm holding him, and any time she holds two of her dolls.

This one is my favorite. I was sewing something at my mom's the other day and had put Ethan in the bouncer nearby on the wood floor. Well, he loves to push himself around in it because his feet can reach the floor. Katelyn found him and the next thing I know, they are totally making each other laugh. It was the funniest thing! He would squeal or laugh and then she would do the same, back and forth. I think that is pure joy for this mom.


Liz Wilcken said...

Those are some great stories and pictures! Benjamin STILL likes to share with everyone that he made a "mess" in the potty. He also has to describe it's shape and size to everyone because to him, that is VERY important information that everyone should know.

Nicole said...

Oh! I love it! Katelyn is the cutest ever!! I'm so excited to see you guys again in a couple months. I love that picture of you. It absolutely looks like "pure joy." So glad you are enjoying two. Love you guys!

Heidi Henderson said...

so cute! L ove the stories!!! Isn't it great being a mom! I bet those moments help when things aren't going quite what you want :) They are such cute kids!

Just Be us said...

OH. MY. HECK!!! The photos! VERY CUTE photo of you & Ethan! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Katelyn's photo! And thanks for sharing the Katelyn-isms! Hilarious!