Monday, March 3, 2008

Sahauro Ranch

We went to a really cool park the other day and took some photos. There were some cool buildings, chickens, a few roosters and lots of citrus trees. It was awesome. While we were there we discovered that Katelyn doesn't like tractors, or at least the loud noise that they make. Scary tractors! I had dressed her in a cute little yellow shirt to take the pictures, but unfortunately is was a LONG sleeved shirt and she hates being hot, so as you can see, she's just hanging out in her undershirt. I guess it's time to stop overdressing her. :)

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HiccupMeL said...

Ok. It's official. Your kid is so dang cute!! You guys are an adorable family. I'm actually jealous of all that good weather you're having too!! Wow. Happy spring to you!!

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

So cute. I love the one of mom and baby. Great pictures.