Friday, August 24, 2007

New plans!

Plans have changed, or been solidified, this week as to where our baby will be born. I went to the doctor on Monday, the day before we had planned to drive, and because I had dilated so far, she didn't want us to drive and in fact, has scheduled me to be induced on Sunday. In two days!! So, our baby will be born on August 26th, which is actually my dad's birthday and Dave's parents anniversary. It must be a good day!

We're so excited and feel really blessed that so many things have fallen into place. I went to the doctor again on Wednesday and had dilated even further. This little baby is excited to be here! I'm officially not due until September 4th.

Dave and I have been enjoying this week of rest, requested by the doctor. It's even been a little cooler, which is nice. No more 100 degree days. We'll be moving to my parents house tomorrow (Centerville) so mom can help us out and make sure that we're doing everything right. :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I believe today is the day! I am so excited for you guys and really hope everything goes smooth. Be sure to call us if you need anything when you get back down here!!