Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Down on the farm

I went to USU and just love getting back to the more rural environment now that I'm graduated, done and living in a huge metropolis. haha. But seriously, I love being on a farm, maybe because my mom grew up on a dairy farm and it reminds me of visiting my grandparents and cousins.

Now that Fall has arrived, there are so many fun things to do. Last week, we went with my
sister Shannon's family to a pumpkin and corn farm. It was huge and we had so much fun.

Here's Ethan in a big 'ol crate of pumpkins.

Katelyn and Ethan attempting to pose. :)

Shannon's family. So cute.

Katelyn is so good at saying cheese, but never looks at the camera. Maybe she's a model in the making.

Here's Katelyn and Sarah having a good time together in the little maze, made out of bales of hay.

They had duck races! It was so fun. You pump the water pump and if you look close enough you can see the little rubber duck going to the other side.

Ethan had a good time too.

Here's one of the pumpkin patches. We picked our pumpkins from another one. I couldn't believe how big they were!

Here's Ethan's first pumpkin.

We were getting ready to pick Katelyn's pumpkin and thought, Oh, we should let HER choose it. Okay. Katelyn, go ahead and choose a pumpkin. She turned around, looked at the closest one to her and said, that one! So much for being picky.


Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Looks like fun! Your kids are too cute!

Nicole said...

Haha! So cute! It looks like Ethan's hair is coming in pretty dark?! They are so adorable!

Just Be us said...

GREAT photography, Tiff! Lots of great photos in there! And those two little kids of yours couldn't be cuter! I can't get over how much Ethan is looking like Katelyn, only a masculine version. I'm looking forward to seeing what they are going to be for Halloween!

Sommer Family said...

So fun to see pictures and hear a bit of what is happening in your life!

Jen Petty said...

Looks like a good time! I love pumpkin patch pictures!

Just Be us said...

Saw your kids on Alicia's blog. They looked adorable on Halloween!
I need to come see you before your kids grow another inch!