Sunday, March 1, 2009


Who would have guessed this day would ever come? As Katelyn and I walked toward the nursery today for the first time, I wondered if I was feeling sad that my baby is old enough to spend two hours of church without me. (Will she survive?? Will I survive??) Well, with all the mixed emotions, I was actually excited that the day had come and she gets to play and eat snacks and not be as quiet as Sunday School and Relief Society require.

After Relief Society, I quickly walked over the the nursery. It was all the way on the other side of the church! Okay, so I was just excited to see how she did since they never came to get me. She made it through her first day with flying colors. She never cried and even wanted to play a little longer. Good girl. She was exhausted and ready for a nap, but we were so happy and I really enjoyed being able to listen to the lessons for the first time in about 6-8 months. Ahh, we had some great lessons today.

Here she is all ready for church. She forgot to smile, but she had a lot on her mind.


Amy said...

I love the flowers in her hair!! Yeah for making it through the first day of nursery!! I think it was harder for me than it was for Alex! He did make it all the way up until the last half hour (I think someone took away his toy :))
She's adorable Tiffany!

Heidi Henderson said...

Way to go!!! Love the flowers in her hair! So cute!

Nicole said...

Look how cute and grown up she is!! I knew she would do well! She is such a good girl, with such good parents, I wouldn't expect anything different!

Bev said...

She's absoposilutely the most adorable. Numero dos is on the way. Yeah!

Jen Petty said...

Man, what a doll! I love those flowers. Going to nursery for the first time can make anyone thoughtful!

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest! I kept forgetting to ask you how it went to I was excited it was on your blog - of course! :) Love that girl!

Angie said...

I can't believe she is that old. I remember baby sitting her at Kyden's age when you guys would go to the temple. She is beautiful. We miss you guys! Hope is going well. Tiff I want to see some prego pictures. How are you feeling?

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Yea! What a cutie! Congrats~