I read an article about 14 month old babies the other day that describes Katelyn perfectly. They love to move things from one place to another. Yep. That's her. Whether it's the remote, the pens or sticky notes from our room, or any combination of toys, something is being moved. I think her favorite two things are to take off the arm chair covers (I found one in my room the other day) and to spend time in the pantry, usually carrying out the bag of Fish or the Wheat Thins. Hmmm... is that what she sees us doing... hanging out in the pantry? It gives me a great opportunity to teach her how to put things away. She's doing great.
Okay, on to the pictures. First set... every kid's gotta do it. Here's her first experience with the excitement of the toilet paper roll. Let's just say that she loved it. And what better place to put the toilet paper than in her cousin's truck.
Cute katelyn. Hey, at least she hasn't "moved" your keys yet. I lost mine for two weeks until I found them at the bottom of an open box I was unpacking... I KNOW I didn't put them there. I don't know what's worse, the fact I had a box open for two weeks without unpacking it or that I put my keys somewhere Ethan could get them.
Seeing Katelyn does remind me of Jacob in his two year old stage.....I think she may be advanced and really is hitting the terrific two's early! :)
Ha ha ha. Awesome. I keep imagining her putting the TP in her mouth to eat it, but I guess kids grow out of that eventually. Jade's just not quite there yet. Does this mean you're getting ready to potty train? What age does that usually happen? I can't believe Katelyn is 14 months old already!
Cody asked me the other day if you guys knew what you were having yet... do you?? 20 weeks along--it's about that time--time to find out, right? I can't wait to hear!
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