Monday, April 27, 2009

So sweet

Katelyn has been a little leery of holding Ethan so far, but our friend Heidi was able to capture this sweet picture a few days ago. Thanks Heidi!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He's here! He's here!

We are so happy to announce the birth of our first baby boy! His older sister is thrilled to have him here and we absolutely love him to death. He was supposed to be born on Friday the 3rd, but we were bumped to the next day which actually put his birthday on Sunday. So, our little Ethan David Price was born at 5:11 am on Sunday, April 5th. He was a big boy weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz. Wow. He's just adorable and after a bit of a tricky delivery that bruised half of his face, he's here and handsome as ever. The bruises are gone and we're just dealing with some jaundice that is on it's way out as well. He just looks like he has a great tan. Katelyn loves to kiss him on the forehead and point out that he has fingers, toes, eyes and ears just like she does. Here are some pictures of our baby boy. (Oh, and did I mention that he loves to cuddle? I love it. :) )

This is how Ethan spent his first 6 days of life. He enjoyed his spa treatment at our house, but we were very happy when he didn't have to be on light bed any longer. (The second picture is a little view of the bruises he got during the delivery. Our poor baby had a rough start, but as you can see from the first pictures, has recovered very well.)